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You get a secret ending when you use these names


Excellent Game! Really Enjoyed it.
Buckshot Roulette Let's Play

(1 edit) (+1)

Pretty fun game! Dealer is somewhat exploitable, as I will describe, but still fun. Spoilers to those who don't want them-

  • Will always use handcuffs if at least 2 bullets left, exploitable when all bullets left are blanks.
  • Will (frequently) use beer if it's guaranteed the next bullet is a blank, provided it's not the last bullet.
  • If dealer uses beer, Dealer appears to not account for ejected bullets in their decision making, unless only 2 bullets are left.
  • If the dealer uses glass, then beer, they will use all beer at once.

Exploits generally make the AI fun to play around, if a little formulaic at times. The new mode is very enjoyable, due to having plenty of random items on round 1, which can be a game killer in round 1. Above exploits combined with the ability to go first make this mode much more consistent.

interesting, i didn't notice it and i've been playing for a while, i will take that in count, thanks!! also i don't think that this should be considered as an "spoiler" it's more like a guide (?) idk but it's helpfull if someone keeps dying


theres no privacy detection  i easily uploaded the downloaded file to mediafire and i can share it to anyone to have the game for free. i can help with fixing if you would like.


Pasa Link A migo te lo compro mas barato


Can you actually share? I dont believe you.

What is the update from 5 hours ago

I can’t go in the buckshot roulette 

El juego ya lo he pagado pero no me carga, ni me ha llegado nada

revisa en tu biblioteca y dale a download

Reviso en biblioteca Pero No me salta nada que diga.

estás seguro? debería salir en "Things you own" pasame captura para comprobar que estás buscando en el lugar correcto

que extraño, que pasa si le das click a "My Purchases" ? si no te sale nada ahí te diría que vayas a ver si efectivamente se hizo el pago en tu tarjeta o cuenta de pay pal, porque ahí sale como si solo lo hubieses agregado a tu colección personal pero no que sea de tu propiedad o hayas pagado por el


Hi, im tryin to play the game with OpenGL3 (--rendering-driver opengl3), but it seems to show some glitches, a) you start the game by displaying the blood efect over the screen. b) The game graphics runs faster but loading in the background after startnig the game takes a considerable time.

While attepmting to play the game with the vulkan api, the game graphics randomly crashes only when you take the pills at the beggining of the game (the new game mode).

Note: you can still hear the game in the background sometimes without the windows message that says the application stopped.


My PC thinks the game has a trojan and doesn't want to run the file. What do I do?


if your pc says something like this just click in "More info" than Run anyway or something like that if it's your antivirus try putting the game on the whitelist, i'm pretty sure this isn't a malware

Qué hacer con una advertencia de Windows Protegida en su PC


this is happening to me too


click on "More info" than a second button should appear beside the "Don't run" click and there you go

Great game!

My boyfriend and I love the game, congratulations on your incredible work

sick game, especially for a solo developer.


How to have updated version? I already paid for the normal version...


Reinstall the game I would assume

use the launcher. downloads updates as patches instead of downloading the entire file again. lmk if this helps


alguien sabe porque cuando pago el juego nunca se hace la compra? 


Lore of Buckshot Roulette

I cant open the game because of a vulkan video player thing, but i oppened it via opengl3, but the screeen is always covered in blood; can you help me out with that, the eternal red filter/blood stains is uncofortable

when ever i try and download it it keeps saying file wasn't available on site 

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You get a secret ending when you use these names Buckshot Roulette ?! 


Really liked the game ! It has a bit Inscryption mecanics but also its own mood and gameplay, and could be a even greater game if there is more content added in the game like new objects, guns, or playtables and lore in the playroom to interact with.


On the other side, the fact that the dealer never begins a round even if he wins a selfshot makes the game a bit easy for me, perhaps with another difficulty level this could change and become more tricky !

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incredible. super fun. shows how far good design can take you. 

Great game!

With one word, brilliant. 

I don’t like table top games, I don’t like roulette and I don’t like any game with an even slight horror element, yet I love this game. It’s the most well deserved money I spend and I’m hooked.

I hope some kind of online is planned so I can play with my friend as well. 


Great game, hade so much fun playing it!!

This is my video if u wanna check out :>

I don't know if it's a good idea, but 21:9 support?

inserisci la modalità online ti prego

(1 edit)

Me sale este error al intentar abrirlo 

jarrive pas a l'acheter je comprend rien 

Que veux-tu dire? Vous devriez pouvoir simplement utiliser une carte ou PayPal. J'utilise d'ailleurs Google Translate.

faut payer et genre clique sur le bouton rouge "buy now" et après tu paies par carte ou paypal ou ce que tu veux!


Please bring this game to Steam!

Your wish is our command!

Most games have their names in the descriptions under 'general' when you go into the application's properties, but this game has something else. "Risk your life." I found that amazing for some reason. Nothing else I've seen does that.


I definitely should never look at, touch nor sniff Vegas with the luck I got....... 

this game i highy recnmend for users its soo ofun 


it's fun and games until sinister gets the shotgun

No funciona queda en negro💀


Ok so i bought the game when it was in it's first version (V1) and now i want to get the updated version, do i for real gotta buy it again


Nevermind i figured it out


could you explain to me how you figured it out please?


I bought the game and had one normal playthrough, after that my game started crashing and it keep saying Risk your life. is not responding. Sometimes as soon as I load the game and sometimes after a few rounds. Please help because I really like the game and don´t want this to ruin my experience 

the same thing happened to me

love your other games and this one a lot

looking forward to your other games also


someone buy it for me lol


buy it yourself

its not that hard

how do you not have $1.20 for the game


Awesome, I bought this 8 times according to my bank statement and haven't been able to play it once. Love it.

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