Debería aparecerte la descarga justo debajo de donde lo compraste. Si no, haz esto: Ve a la flechita que está al lado de tu username (arriba a la derecha al lado de tu perfil), dale en "my library" y de ahí buscas el juego y le das al botón "descargar" justo debajo del juego (en esa dirección debería estar el juego registrado, si no, revisa cual fue el error o si es que la transacción se realizó correctamente).
Hasta arriba de la página aparece un botón de descarga, no lo había visto hasta hace poco, de todas formas si no te aparece comprueba lo que te dije.
First, it can't be a school device, as they are locked by the IT Admin. If it's not a school device, just look up "Mrchromebox firmware". You'll find a tutorial somewhere.
Then once the firmware's installed, you can make a Linux bootable USB on another computer and install Linux on the Chromebook.
Is there a way to update the game without buying it a second time? I payed 11.20 for it, and I don't really want to go through the trouble of buying it a second time. Could really use some help here.
I don't have the vulkan video driver, so i have to start the game with the command ("Buckshot Roulette.exe" --rendering-driver opengl3) But the game looks ugly, and there is blood on the screen all the time, someone knows how to fix this graphic problem?
Hello, when I start the game I get the start letters like start, options and others but the background itself does not appear and when I start the game it does not appear and only the sound is heard
eu acabei de colocar minhas informações e cliquei em comprar e tbm deu esse resultado. É minha primeira compra nesse site, não apareceu nada e não recebi nenhuma notificação de compra ou algo do tipo
guys i found out some thing. some lore. so this game is about adiction and how u will to bet ur life for a low amount of money (from videos i saw) and just now i saw this: (added image) now u may say oh yea its the double or nothing thingy... LOOK AT THE "YES NO" see how the YES has a dark spot on it? thats what happens when u click/touch the same spot alot of times like in old door key locks for buildings and it shows us that no matter what we won, we always want more and in the end we lose it all. makes me kinda sad ngl but yea i can already see the game theory about this game. imagine he uses this pic and this comment in the vid LOL but nah to far.
A family friendly game lol, joke aside this was a really fun experience and I legit felt the tension rising with each turn. Thank you for your hard work and hope you have more games in the future to play!
listhen close. if ur thinking about buying this game but u arent sure STOP THINKING ITS 1$ AND U BETTER KNOW THAT ITS WORTH AT LEAST 7$ game play fan and kinda scary at the same time. replayable as hell doing dob or nothing 4 times run made me wanna do more and more. only thing is that u need to be a bit smart to make smart plays. oh and PLS ADD A NO SHOW BULLET MODE it would be so fire. (i mean like u cant see the amout of the bullets and the color of the bullets you and the dealer or only you that would be so cool ty for reading go back to shoting)
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porfavor ya pague 6 dolares
y no me dan el juego que alguien me explique como unirme
Debería aparecerte la descarga justo debajo de donde lo compraste.
Si no, haz esto:
Ve a la flechita que está al lado de tu username (arriba a la derecha al lado de tu perfil), dale en "my library" y de ahí buscas el juego y le das al botón "descargar" justo debajo del juego (en esa dirección debería estar el juego registrado, si no, revisa cual fue el error o si es que la transacción se realizó correctamente).
Hasta arriba de la página aparece un botón de descarga, no lo había visto hasta hace poco, de todas formas si no te aparece comprueba lo que te dije.
when i try to open the game from my files it goes to a black screen for about half a second then closes, is there a way to fix this issue?
i have tried deleting the game and reinstalling it but it doesent really help. i might help you
yo does anyone know how to get Linux on Crome/Google
Linux on Chromebook?
First, it can't be a school device, as they are locked by the IT Admin. If it's not a school device, just look up "Mrchromebox firmware". You'll find a tutorial somewhere.
Then once the firmware's installed, you can make a Linux bootable USB on another computer and install Linux on the Chromebook.
every time i try to open the game my screen is black then it like closes the game. does anyone know why
i dont sorry but having same issue
I noticed that the items don't reset after hitting YES for Double or Nothing, seems like a bug
Is there a way to update the game without buying it a second time? I payed 11.20 for it, and I don't really want to go through the trouble of buying it a second time. Could really use some help here.
Nevermind. It has a download button at the top of the screen I didn't see. This was my first purchace on, so I didn't know what to do.
Just buy the damn game.
how do i refund
try going through support, though im not sure why you would refund its only a dollar 20 cents lmao
every time i open the game it says an error so i want my money back lmao
lmfao what
La neta quiero un reenbolso, no funciona.El juego abre pero se pone en negro cuando le doy jugar y despues de unos segundos se cierra
eu comprei o jogo mais não recebi nada que eu faço? eu comprei já faz 5 hora
yo, do you own if not, they have your game on there for free.
ain't no way 💀
how can i upddate the game
you gotta download it again
eu comprei o jogo mais não recebi nada que que eu faço? eu comprei ja faz 5 horas
Mas tu clicou pra baixar meu fih?
Como clica para baixar?
depois q tu pagar só clicar no q vc quer baixar e pronto
This is my most favorite game of 2024 "9.5 out of 10
I don't have the vulkan video driver, so i have to start the game with the command ("Buckshot Roulette.exe" --rendering-driver opengl3)
But the game looks ugly, and there is blood on the screen all the time, someone knows how to fix this graphic problem?
Hello, when I start the game I get the start letters like start, options and others but the background itself does not appear and when I start the game it does not appear and only the sound is heard
anyway i can connect my steam account to my itch account so i can pay with my steam walle
excuse me but how can you do this? im curious
I don’t think this is possible steam funds aren’t worth actual money, steam just lets developers turn them in for actual money
yeah i dont think you can so i guess wait for it till it comes on steam which i doubt so i think paypal is my only choice if i dont want to wai
Heya! Steam Release coming real soon!
yo thank you for telling me
how do you play the double or nothing game mode
all ive found so far is i win the game and then it kicks me off and makes me replay as a new so basically just unlimited tutorials lol
you need to consume pills in the bathroom at the beginning
this is dope 100% recommended best 1$ of my life
fun fact: cant type god or dealer as ur name
One of the best games I played <33333
nose pero no se como descargarlo alguien me dice como?
ya lo compre
En el top de esta web tendría que darte la opción de download
Que pasa si segui los pasos para comprarlo y se queda asi? (No me ha dado nada)
The same thing happens to me, does anyone have the answer?
eu acabei de colocar minhas informações e cliquei em comprar e tbm deu esse resultado. É minha primeira compra nesse site, não apareceu nada e não recebi nenhuma notificação de compra ou algo do tipo
very interesting...
Not to mention how hard the soundtrack is
I really had fun playing this game! Even made some fanart for it!
No puedo jugar, me dice: your video card drivers seem not to support the required Vulkan version. tengo una tarjeta Intell 5500, qué puedo hacer??
comment jouer au jeux après achat sur pc windows ?
my laptop is saying it isn't safe for some reason anyone have a fix for that.
just allow running it and play it its completly safe this is the official download site
Click "More Info" and "Run Anyway", it's completely safe, don't worry.
listhen close. if ur thinking about buying this game but u arent sure STOP THINKING ITS 1$ AND U BETTER KNOW THAT ITS WORTH AT LEAST 7$ game play fan and kinda scary at the same time. replayable as hell doing dob or nothing 4 times run made me wanna do more and more. only thing is that u need to be a bit smart to make smart plays. oh and PLS ADD A NO SHOW BULLET MODE it would be so fire. (i mean like u cant see the amout of the bullets and the color of the bullets you and the dealer or only you that would be so cool ty for reading go back to shoting)
Is it normal if you die the game close ?
es seguro comprarlo aqui?
Gracias bro
Este é o site oficial.