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Too bad I’m broke. I guess I gotta go play roblox games of this lol.

Supports the controller?


TWO HOURS OF MY LIFE. GONE. Don 't ask me how it took me two hours but it did... im done. lol


please upload it to steam


You make me very happy right now, thank you.


Hello everyone, Moon here. I used CHAT GBT, yes the AI, to help me win this....soooo....SEE HOW IT WENT!

Will it come on Steam?


Très bon jeu, repoussez les limittes avec les pillules !!!

hey mr klubnika heres a question. do you plan on making any more updates? also could i make a scratch version of BR?


game was pretty fun


gente alguien sabe qué pasa cuando intentas comprar el juego y no te deja?

g00d game

Is it true that it does have a virus?


look, it is just a fake positive, is not a virus

The game is really beautiful. I would like the soundtrack of the game to come, the music in it is very nice:3

On bandcamp "Buckshot roulette"


when I click on "pay" after putting the credit card nothing happens PLEASE HELP

Ya lo compre y no me llega el juego :" 


Ya te llego?

me respondieron al correo diciendo q demorara pq soy de un país distinto y pq pague con tarjeta lo cual hace q demore más 

How I adore the "GoDot engine" and her graphic api... Money wasted 😃

can you please specify what happened? i wanna know if I want to buy it or not...

I've sunk hours into the game and it's been nothing but smooth sailing for me though I do recomend playing windowed

Don't work

I mean, it says you need a relatively modern GPU, so probs thats your problem.


Make Mac Version pls

Game is pretty fun


can you do somthing about it? i aint got more money to upgrade me graphic card

Lmfao what graphics card u got?




i cant run the game the second i lunch it its just a black screen and it crash 

fix it pls becuse its aint problem with me comupter

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: - Relatively modern dedicated graphics card (Vulkan support required)

the problem is probably on your side if you are using a low end/very old video card/GPU.


the game includes trojan be careful guys.


Does it really?





(1 edit) (+2)



When is the release in steam?

March 15th!


Please add online or local multiplayer. (I bought the game)


im waiting online for this game

someone knows how can i update the game?

i think its downloading it again, went from v1.0 to v1.1

Your right on the top of the page theres written that you bought the game and theres a button to downland it again.




This was so cool, a perfect bite-sized game that I loved every second of (for the hour I played it). Excellent aesthetic and price point.

Sorry to beat the dead horse but multiplayer would give this game SO much staying power. Please please please look into it. I think you could even charge more for multiplayer or sell it as a second game.


please make a local multiplayer


Great concept and amazing visuals! Reminds me of inscryption


(I was gonna buy it too!!!)


this game would be even more amazing with 1v1 local mulltiplayer

Petition is like, you agree that you could die and you know it. (maybe)

I dont understand what about petition, what this mean


add multiplaye gamemode brother

Buckshot Roulette for free is everything i need in my life! Its just that Game...

(1 edit)

This Game is one of my Favorite Games! But i have to wait until im 15 to play it, because i have to pay. It will be so cool when the game is for free. Also... when its for free, more Player will play it

can somebody tell me where i can pay with euro's because this looks amazing.


You should still be able to pay with paypal or card, it will just cost a bit more in euro


i paid in euros no problem


how do we pay in euro?

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