2 things should be added. multiplayer. and options to change the rules of the deal. like. randomizer for types of buckshot, the number of rounds or the chance for diffrent items
If anyone is interested, my friend and I created a card game version for 2-4 players! You'd need to create your own cards, but if you're willing to go through the effort, it is incredibly fun!
Absolutely fantastic game! Loved the graphics, music, overall vibe as well as the gameplay. I would absolutely love to see an expansion of this game, whether it be new people to go against or to even have a multiplayer mode!
I was possibly thinking like a survival thing maybe too? Like risking your life to move on to the next contender keeping your money stacking up with a risk of losing it all, or taking the money you have and backing out of the next fight, having your money that you won go into a global leaderboard?
The game is fun i like the concept of it but here some things i noticed after playing it. The game is kinda ez the first round is the hardest, after the first round you can put strategy into it which it looks like u kinda intended to do , the ai is kinda dumb some times like there were only live shots left and he still shoot him self, i wish u could do something with the money like buy skins for the shotgun, table, dealer, ect... or if u add player hands. other thing i wish the game didnt close after winning like i wish the name i used kept going until i lost. also i dont like the getting revived in the bathroom i wish if u lost u just died and had to make a new name i feel like the more games u win with the same player the more money u get or something. overall for a 1$ game it is really good and i know it has really good potential cant wait to see what u do to it
Hello, i just want to say great game, its awesome! My friend played it and it so tense. I do have a question tho. Is it possible to make a release for mac? I tried playing this in Parallels, the problem occurs when beating the game and pressing the key. I get the message saying that shader type fog is not supported by OpenGL. Have a nice night and happy new year.
This game reminded of inscryption mostly for how unnerving it is. This was so much fun I'm just upset that it's a short experience I would have totally loved to have played more of this. I won my first game and I decided to play it again and won my second game which was a lot more challenging but man it was so much fun 10/10, I decided to pay for this game with an extra tip added to the total just to help out a developer. Was definitely worth the money.
I didn't have an issue with the download, but when I try to play it, it loads a black screen, and then closes itself. I was wondering if anyone else had/has the same issue?
My game doesnt work either.It loads into the game, shows the gun shot, and i can click start or credits but then the screen is totally black. Very disappointed. I have been trying to run this game for 20 minutes...
im on a windows laptop and it says brings up a blue screen saying are you sure or what ever and when I put run anyways it opens for a second on a blackscreen and then just closes its sel
can some one please send me 1.20 dollars i have been seeing game play of this game and i wanted to download this game but i don't have any money :( https://paypal.me/RipGrim
had the same problem, no clue how to resolve tried running as administrator to try to figure it out. LMK if you are to find a solution please and thanks.
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I feel like this game needs an endless/survival mode, where you complete as many rounds as you can before you die.
2 things should be added. multiplayer. and options to change the rules of the deal. like. randomizer for types of buckshot, the number of rounds or the chance for diffrent items
my winzip expired :(
u dont need to buy winzip to play it
how do I play it then?
use winrar man
oh yea
multiplayer would be amazing!
make it multiplayer
awesome game would love a multiplayer pvp mode lol
muy corto pero bueno.
ni me procesa la compra
i paid and downloaded but i cant open the folder how do i play it...im on chromebook
im having the same problem and im on a full computer
the description clearly states it is only available currently on windows and linux
Chromebook and pc have different OS, you can’t use windows version
If anyone is interested, my friend and I created a card game version for 2-4 players! You'd need to create your own cards, but if you're willing to go through the effort, it is incredibly fun!
the game is not running for me
Absolutely fantastic game! Loved the graphics, music, overall vibe as well as the gameplay. I would absolutely love to see an expansion of this game, whether it be new people to go against or to even have a multiplayer mode!
I was possibly thinking like a survival thing maybe too? Like risking your life to move on to the next contender keeping your money stacking up with a risk of losing it all, or taking the money you have and backing out of the next fight, having your money that you won go into a global leaderboard?
Thank you for this masterpiece!
It does not let me open it
have you tried extracting the flies?
ya i did it still didnt work
The game is fun i like the concept of it but here some things i noticed after playing it. The game is kinda ez the first round is the hardest, after the first round you can put strategy into it which it looks like u kinda intended to do , the ai is kinda dumb some times like there were only live shots left and he still shoot him self, i wish u could do something with the money like buy skins for the shotgun, table, dealer, ect... or if u add player hands. other thing i wish the game didnt close after winning like i wish the name i used kept going until i lost. also i dont like the getting revived in the bathroom i wish if u lost u just died and had to make a new name i feel like the more games u win with the same player the more money u get or something. overall for a 1$ game it is really good and i know it has really good potential cant wait to see what u do to it
Hoe do you run it it wont let me it goes black then stops
this game is a masterpiece. worth way more than a dollar. the aesthetics, gameplay and music are immaculate. well done.
Just played this game its amazing. It would be so fun if this was multiplayer also but its so amazing as it is right now!!
Can you make it on Steam ?
It would also work super well as a card game. I’ve been thinking about this all day.
There is a game called ''Inscryption''
Awesome, bro, thanks. When did you make this?
Amazing game i watch videos on YT!
Is this available for Mac?
I dont think so
please make it to were you can buy it with cash app
i did buy it with my cash app card
it didnt work for me for some reason
i got it worked nvm
it is not working for me to
Hello, i just want to say great game, its awesome! My friend played it and it so tense. I do have a question tho. Is it possible to make a release for mac? I tried playing this in Parallels, the problem occurs when beating the game and pressing the key. I get the message saying that shader type fog is not supported by OpenGL. Have a nice night and happy new year.
This game reminded of inscryption mostly for how unnerving it is. This was so much fun I'm just upset that it's a short experience I would have totally loved to have played more of this. I won my first game and I decided to play it again and won my second game which was a lot more challenging but man it was so much fun 10/10, I decided to pay for this game with an extra tip added to the total just to help out a developer. Was definitely worth the money.
I didn't have an issue with the download, but when I try to play it, it loads a black screen, and then closes itself. I was wondering if anyone else had/has the same issue?
Yes. Multiple people had that issue.
its not opening for me
i think we got scammed because mine wont ether
idk bruu this getting me mad
My game doesnt work either.It loads into the game, shows the gun shot, and i can click start or credits but then the screen is totally black. Very disappointed. I have been trying to run this game for 20 minutes...
are you on mac? if so its not made for that, and you also have to extract it by the way..
im on a windows laptop and it says brings up a blue screen saying are you sure or what ever and when I put run anyways it opens for a second on a blackscreen and then just closes its sel
A lot of us are having the same issue, with no resolution
love the game so much fun will it be coming out for MacOS aswell
i love it
can some one please send me 1.20 dollars i have been seeing game play of this game and i wanted to download this game but i don't have any money :( https://paypal.me/RipGrim
Bro stop begging for money.
im broke :(
i bought the game and it says i did on my card app 2 times and i dont got the game man...
Look through browser downloads and if it's not there then look through your desktop downloads.
my download is being silly and not working :p
download isnt working
feelt like i was back on that first inscryption run, great but short,still worth it
for some reason when I get to the briefcase part I can't do anything, I appreciate any help I can get, thanks.
You need to click on the 2 clips before opening it.
thank you will try
i've just download the game, but it ain't opening, it seems to be starting, it opens a black screen, but them it closes abruptly. What should i do?
had the same problem, no clue how to resolve tried running as administrator to try to figure it out. LMK if you are to find a solution please and thanks.
Im unsure on how to do this, and even after uninstalling and reinstalling i still havent gotten a popup nor have seen anything in windows settings.
does it actually damage the computer?