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Dont give any of these bums a steam guy for a game that cost a fkin dollar

Deleted 202 days ago





I bought the game again and I do not regret it. :)


can i get steam key pls bought before 


Mikk has stated in a few blog posts that he will not be giving steam keys to anyone who bought the itch version of the game.


I bought this game before can I get a steam key please?



learn to read


Mikk has stated in a few blog posts that he will not be giving steam keys to anyone who bought the itch version of the game.

Deleted 202 days ago

Mikk has stated in a few blog posts that he will not be giving steam keys to anyone who bought the itch version of the game.


Me over here that just said why not and bought it again on steam. If I get a code it would be nice but if I don't. Oh well


Hey, I bought this game before, can I please get a steam key?


Mikk has stated in a few blog posts that he will not be giving steam keys to anyone who bought the itch version of the game.

Well crap.


may i please get a steam key <3? :) 

(5 edits) (+9)(-5)

i hate when people use the term/excuse "it's only 3 dollars on steam tho?" my brother in christ i get that this is an indie developer who made this game for probably months and it's just him alone and Mike needs money but that doesn't change the fact that thousands of people bought the game here, supporting it and now they have to buy it again on steam with more money, i will wait for literal months just to get a code from the developer or a steam key for an access because i love this game from the start.

(also a delayed update and no multiplayer on this version)

(1 edit) (+6)(-3)

That's exactly what I'm saying! It doesn't matter the price, a developer stabbing their early supporters in the back in favor of new buyers is a shitty move (and frankly, I'd argue the people against it are more hypocritical than they realize — after all, if "it's a three-dollar game, not a twenty-dollar game" is their defense, aren't they the ones who would only stand against this if the price was an issue? It's a matter of money, not principle, to them.)


The way I see it, the dev probably never expected this much success from the game and thus listed it on itch. Then it exploded and a steam release made sense. Now that release has features that are, presumably, explicitly supported by the steam API (read: not itch); imo enough new features to justify another pricetag.

That's a lie though actually. The way I really see it is that I could pay for this game in fucking pennies, get over yourself.


If you're gonna be an asshole about it, then don't bother commenting in the first place. Grow the fuck up and accept that pulling a shady move like this isn't gonna go uncontested.


You're calling me an asshole when the dude I replied to is telling other commenters to kill themselves. Fuck off 👍


so not only are you not giving those who purchased the game on a steam key you're also going to charge more for the steam version and not update this one??

(1 edit) (+5)(-3)

they won't have multiplayer here too is the most insane part. i dont care if it's 3 dollars only on steam lmao


yeah it might only be $3 but his reason for not giving those who bought the game on keys is greed, he wants the extra $3 each. if we all went out and bought the game twice that's exactly what he wants. he's a gremlin


well to be fair he is an indie developer and he needed some time to do that but i love this game so much to the point where i will wait for months just to get a multiplayer version and the new items on itch io, no way us itch io supporters are going out like this


Okay question.. Since I purchased the game through the website and turns out the game is now on steam, Will I have some sort of free code for steam since I technically already payed for it? 

It's just I think it's more organized if I just have it on steam instead of a .exe file laying around in my downloads.


Same question. I hope the dev provides us with some codes. That would be nice.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)



Mass outrage over three dollars...

(1 edit) (+5)(-3)

I'm just disappointed that people who bought the game in its infancy will either end up having to spend more money than those who show up later or deal with a feature-incomplete version (no multiplayer, delayed updates). It's not a LOT of money, sure, but it's about the message of supporting people who supported you.

(2 edits) (+1)(-7)

So people have to react like they been duped for millions and call the developer a scammer?

(5 edits) (+3)(-5)

...Okay? That's great news for you, but not everyone is getting a cheaper version.

EDIT: Okay so you're completely changing the angle of your comment, I guess. I can't speak for anyone else - and I haven't read too far down into the comments, so maybe I'm missing some super disrespectful posts - but I don't think it's unwarranted to be disappointed in Mike's decisions here, given how many people supported the original version of the game in comparison to how many people heard about it and didn't buy it, but will now do so for a better version of the game and a smaller total sum.


Keep checking, Twitter will happen and people will be choking on Steam keys.

(1 edit) (+4)

I'd certainly appreciate a Steam key, but I wouldn't want it as the result of a harassment campaign against Mike by any means. It's unfortunate that I don't know of any ways to contact him directly, but I would hope anyone who does is willing to be polite and reasonable in their explanations (though I doubt they will be :/).


i have very limited income. 3 dollars to you isn't 3 dollars to me.

(2 edits) (-5)

If we use that logic, the minimum wage in my country is 8000 hryvnias, which turns into 204 dollars. I kind of have to start complaining like everyone else. It's a huge unsustainable amount of money. But you know, there is an amazing thing like regional prices in steam. Now it's insanely cheap price for me, but I guess, I'm just lucky(

Это не так работает) 1 доллар не для кого не много, так же разрабы не просят покупать их игру в стим, это желание людей)

Ну так пусть не покупают и ждут 18 апреля. Зачем тряску устраивать?


Yeah, you are just lucky! You've defended the price multiple times - and yet, curiously, it just so happens to be a price that's extremely cheap for you.


Can please answer the question, what country is this, since I'm lucky and they not?

(1 edit) (+14)(-6)

i dont wanna have to buy the game again


Please please please for the love of god make the Steam version available on Mac

(1 edit)

For such a low level game like this that can run on basic versions of windows and linux you can use Wine on your Mac to do so or be like me and just us Fusion instead. but yeah we need a Mac version for the steam release.

I have a new Mac that does not take Wine and I don't have enough money to spend over $100 on Fusion.

That’s alright you can download a copy of Fusion Player for free, you just need to create an account for free. You can use this guide from VMware if it’s to complicated I can help you get it because the guides are really over complicated sometimes


The new update is
The new update is great! All the new items are super interesting and fun to use, can't wait for the multiplayer!
(1 edit) (+13)(-2)

I kickstarted Dead Matter back in 2019 and in 2021 it finally entered Alpha. They never ordered steam keys and 20,000 people had to wait a month so they could grab steam keys 100 at a time per day. Steam is not an easy thing to get keys from and setting up the automation process is daunting for a single person, especially when it is your first time doing so. Steams own guide shows:

Q: How many Steam Keys can I get for my game?
A:Games and applications launching on Steam may receive up to 5,000 Default Release Steam Keys to support retail activities and distribution on other stores. After that, all Steam Key requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

And getting those bulk keys lined up and available for every purchase is a pain in the rump. There is a lot more that goes into this issue than just updating a check box. You have 2 third party companies that are agreeing to share access. Do you really think Steam would just hand out keys for something you would normally pay for without verifying? You will get your key in time, in the mean time you can still download the game here and add it to your steam library as an external game. This honestly isn't a hill to die on as a consumer, and honestly isn't a very fair criticism of a game developer. I make text based games that are 1000000X lamer than this and it takes me 400+ hours to get 1 game out. This had to of taken months to build and they were still gracious enough to give it to you for $1. and some pocket change. No one owes you there labor, its hard work doing this and in the Indie Game sphere these technical issues happen all the time. We don't have a direct phone line to Steam like AAA studios do. We have to wait on hold like everyone else. My suggestion is go to any game engine and spend 10 hours building anything at all. Most likely all you will have is a single untextured moving object and a premade asset with mood lighting. I am honestly just astonished at the outrage that is happening. Shame, shame. 


So uhhh, is the multiplayer update going to came  out for Itch version too?

I'm broke af (and yeah, the economy of my country is pretty fucked up tbh) and i don't rlly want to buy it again lol.


If you read the blog update, the dev said while the game will be updated, it will not have the multiplayer elements because those rely on steam specific tools.


pls relax it will get published on 18th april on

stop hating on mike


I think the part people are frustrated with is the fact that the version won't be feature complete compared to the steam version. I.e. no multiplayer. 


yeah because thats not possible on itch, if you just read the blog post you'd realize why

He could give his early supporters steam keys - this turns a $1.20 into nearly a $5 purchase - and honestly I would not have bought this game at $5.

I did read it, I'm just explaining why people are frustrated.


To all those people complaining, you try to make a game, see how far you get. Multiple games on have been released on Steam and the devs of those games do not provide you with keys for Steam if you purchased it here, stop complaining. This game is cheaper than a Mcchicken even if you buy it on both platforms. Buy the game again so you can support the dev so they can continuously update the game or make more games. Making anything creatively is very time-consuming and Game Dev is twice that time, especially if you're a single person.


Just because someone doesn't make games, doesn't mean they can't have an opinion on them. This is a bit of a silly take, well meaning though it is.


That is not what I'm saying at all but the internet is always "I like pancakes!" "Oh so you hate waffles?"


Let's not be dishonest, you literally went "try and make a game and see how hard it is" and "game dev is time-consuming and hard" which is true, but you're using that as an argument against people complaining (having an opinion) on the handling of the version vs the steam version. People are allowed to express frustration without needing to experience the woes of game dev first hand.


Isn't this an appeal to accomplishment (logical fallacy)?

Deleted 190 days ago

The difference/issue people are having is the lack of "feature completeness" the version will have. No multiplayer. Ubisoft Connect or other 3rd party game launchers are bad examples because whether you buy those games on steam or on EA, Ubisoft, whatever, those games get the same updates on both platforms. That's the reason some people are frustrated. 


Please listen to your fans and current supporters. Greedy tactics are to widespread in this industry as it is. 


As a reminder, you're whining about 3 dollars. Not 50, not 30, not 10, 3 dollars.

(1 edit) (+4)(-3)

At what point does a principle become "worth standing for", then? 10 dollars is only 7 more than 3, and 30 is only 20 more than 10, and 50 is only 20 more than 30...


Keep in mind I did buy this game on steam because I love this game and I also love having all my games in the same place. I'm saying this because I agree that supporters of an indie project should get some recognition. Everyone is comparing this to a high profile developer which is a different story entirely.


LOL all of these ppl crying about steam its like they can't read LMAO


So I supported this game from the beginning by donating and paying for it so now I have to buy it again on Steam? Ok.


reality is often dissapoining xD but honestly tho would it not be a lot bigger if a lot of people give opinion on the game with the free keys. It would probobly make more money in the long run as it would get more recognition on steam and a lot more people would know about the game.


Its Gonna release for when it April 18th we don't need a steam key and we didn't waste our money. The developer still care for the people who buyed it on so just CHILL...

(2 edits) (+5)

The version will not be feature complete because some of the new features will be dependent on steam tools. Which is why people are mad about it. They supported the game early on and yet they receive:
1. v1.2 two weeks after being released on steam
2. A game that isn't feature-complete compare to Steam (most likely no multiplayer as well)

looks like I might need to buy the Steam version then...


Why would i rebuy it on steam if i already have it for half the price

The steam version will eventually have multiplayer support.

(1 edit)

will version have the multiplayer update and the new items in april 18th?

It will not have any features that require Steam's API, so no multiplayer, and possibly no other features in future


So you're basically thinking that since the game is cheap and has some popularity people who already bought it would re-pay doubling your profits and getting some extra players from the Steam publicity, screw that.


Loved the new items that were added, and for that, I brought some more ideas for more items as well!

And they are:

• Metal Mask: "Apply it to your face to block an enemy's round."

* To properly apply this to your face, it has to do something to sort of "glue" to your face... yep, this is torture.

• Repeater: "Merge it to the weapon and shoot two rounds."


bro i buyed the game on and now i have to buy it on steam? bro give me a key,no?


"The game is cheap, buy it again" isn't a valid excuse. Support the people that supported you when it wasn't expected - that's what developers should do. Not punish them for doing something so stupid. Delayed updates and no Steam key for previous buyers. That's not cool.



They actually released it on steam like 30 minutes ago

I don't see it anywhere


It is sad that you scammed the people that supported your game and to add salt to the injury you release the new update on steam but we have to wait untill the 18th. 


cry about it. just wait, he said he needed to fix the issues because the version doesn't use steam.


how constructive.


Can't you just send an email with the game key to people who already bought the game?

I know it's $2 but I'm still not going to pay for the update


how do i get a steam key


You have to buy it on Steam

erm what the sigma 


it says its going to release here in april, have some patience people... considering that the most of you paid less than 2 dollars for it


I'm as disappointed as you are, but it seems ridiculous to swear and insult the game developer for 1 dollar 2 dollars, okay, I will not pay that much money, the money I will pay is more because I live in another country, but the game developer is not leaving here, the updates will be here soon, but there is no need to swear at the game developer so much, but to be honest, I am also disappointed, but I can understand the game developer, he probably needs money like us, but I was expecting steam key, this bothered me a little, but there is no need to swear so much, take care of yourself and god bless you


I appreciate your viewpoint man, it's understandable for people to be somewhat frustrated, or voice their opinions, but at the end of the day it's really not a big deal, and nothing to get into a shouting match over.

Thank you, ı will pay more becuse ı live in another country, its a little bit big deal for me but no problem :D


I'm a Chinese and when I bought the game on I found that the language options were not Chinese and the version of the game was not up to date, I kind of regretted buying the game and now I just want to get my money back.


Steam 版提供新物品。因为我们爱你。

The Steam version offers new items. Because we love you.

cool :(


I don't get the fuss but as of right now, the game has a 10% discount on steam and despite me, being on the list of people who got the game here, it's understandable not getting a steam key.

With that said, I got the game on steam too cause the dev deserves it. And seriously, the game is still cheap, it's not like we're paying for all the Sims 4 dlcs and expansions, chill people.


Also all the hate sucks to see, I hope you're doing okay


Take your time to release it here if you need. As long as I still get the release I am more than happy, even if it takes longer. :)


if you guys want to hear the truth this is from the discord "We will host some giveaways and raffles, but we cannot distribute the Steam copies among all the early adopters from"  Yeah i smell greed, "we can't give all of supports keys because then we lose money!!" Scam game

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