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Steam keys.


i hope he gets doxxed fuck the triple A wannabe

Pls do a port for consoles ⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠


I do think you deserve the extra money from Steam purchases for your hard work, and I will be purchasing the game again, both for myself and likely a friend or two, but simultaneously, I think the right move is to give your early supporters Steam keys. Some are taking it way too far considering how low the stakes are and how much of a bargain the game is, but the core reason behind the frustration is pretty understandable.

i hope he gets doxxed fuck the triple A wannabe


Una pregunta, si lo compré por aquí, tengo que comprarlo otra vez em steam?


nescesito ayuda me dice que el 0x00007ffd93d891fc hace referencia a la memoria 0x0000000000000008 y que no se pudo leer que hago? :C


We either need the multiplayer update on itch or we need steam keys. any other answer is unacceptable. having us buy the game more than once is nothing more than pure greed.


Bruh, I understand What you're saying, we bought the game When it came out but... Are you complaining about paying 2$ no Steam? 

Deleted 119 days ago

according to this page on the official steam-works website [], only 5,000 keys can be generated before they have to be reviewed on a key-to-key basis. and seeing as only 13 days after this game released on steam, it reached 1,000,000 sales, i doubt that would be an option.
i've talked to mike. he's genuinely a really nice guy. i feel like taking money from his earliest supporters just to be greedy is not in his priorities.

Deleted 119 days ago

To everyone here being annoyed with the fact that you can't get a free steam key, because steam has multiplayer...

THE MULTIPLAYER FUNCTION ISN'T EVEN OUT YET. It's coming on the 31st of october.

Every online content you see on it is a beta.


Thank you

check out my part 2 gameplay!


DONT ASK ABOUT STEAM KEYS went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time youve been ripped off also went through the server and saw nothing about helping us out at all weve been forgotten and lets do the same to them


You can't be that inmature bruh. Why are you complaining about 2$ cost in Steam? 


Alright, I'll gonna send you my Discord nickname and we'll get in touch so you can re-buy the game for me, since it's so cheap. Is that okay for you? Maybe you should repurchase a copy for everyone here too :)


according to this page on the official steam-works website [], only 5,000 keys can be generated before they have to be reviewed on a key-to-key basis. and seeing as only 13 days after this game released on steam, it reached 1,000,000 sales, i doubt that would be an option.

i've talked to mike. he's genuinely a really nice guy. i feel like taking money from his earliest supporters just to be greedy is not in his priorities.
also, you do know how hard mike has been working these past few months, right? imagine making an indie game, that pops off, and then you get bombed with questions asking for multiplayer. when you do make it, people get mad because their version doesn't have it. you doing this is just making this whole situation worse.

It would be great if we could request a steam key if we have already bought the game here :)


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time 


Could we have the steam keys please? I think would be reasonably as we have been supporting you since day one.

Seria posible tener las llaves de Steam para los que hemos apoyado desde el dia 1?


bro thinks he can have the game free 💀


i think they mean WE ALREADY PURCHASED THE GAME HERE yet the steam version is getting updates and not this one......

Exactly what I meant. I bought the game in its early days to not being able to have updates 


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time

check out my newest gameplay video today!


I bought this game as soon as it came out on because I loved its concept and wanted to support the creator, but now I can't even enjoy the new multiplayer mode because I have to buy it AGAIN on steam?! In my opinion it's a lack of respect for those who have supported the game since the beginning. I know full well that it only costs 3 euros on Steam, but it's still disrespectful to make someone who already owns it buy it again, It's a matter of principle. Not to sound arrogant or rude but whoever bought it on should have a steam key. 

(sorry for bad english, i'm italian)


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time


It pains me knowing how so many of us supported this game so early on, yet we are not granted with what is to come later in development.


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time

(1 edit) (+2)

Ponen un multijugador para steam pero las personas que compraron el juego itch ni una miserable key para pasarse a steam y disfrutar la actualización, hay gente de latam y demás paises que no tiene lo recursos de volver a comprar el juego de nuevo una falta de respecto

Yo entiendo perfectamente la molestia de la gente; yo compré el juego como a la semana de haber salido y es un poco triste que nos olviden así, pero wn, el juego costó 2$ y cuesta 2$ en Steam, es un precio muy accesible y te lo dice alguien que está catalogada en pobreza extrema en el país más caro de LATAM. Entiendo la molestia pero, se pasan.


Chile es de los países con mejor economía XD

soy argentino pa y esta muy caro el dolar tarjeta


creo que al poco tiempo que salio el juego lo compre como todo jugador que respeta al creador, y la verdad me parece una falta de respeto que otros que lo compran desde otra pagina tengan acceso a actualizaciones como el multijugador que salió y que nosotros que fuimos los fieles compradores del inicio tengamos que esperar una actualización o comprarlo de nuevo en steam... la verdad una injusticia

i do like the general idea of this project, how did you come up with the ? XD


will there be multiplayer in the version?


give us the key of steam, i don´t want to buy it again but on steam, please YOU understand...

you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time


did you really spam this under every comment

yes i did and im doing more to help raise awareness for the scammy/scummy nature of this dev


bro, real estaria genial que dieras los codigos de activacion a las peronas como yo (compre el juego hace mas de 270 dias) para asi tenerlo en steam, se que no es caro, pero la verdad si se siente una falta de respeto que dejes de lado a todas las personas que compraron el juego desde los inicios.


amigo eso es un facto

completamente de acuerdo, lo compré hace 296 días y me encantó, es muy triste ver como creció el juego olvidandose de quienes lo apoyaron desde un principio.


everyone either pirates this game or plays the roblox version
just give up on charging people


Ceador del juego que tanto me guto y gusta se me hace injusto que no podamos jugar el multijugador nosotros que lo compramos antes porfavor lanza igual el multiplayer en itchio o damos claves para activarlo en steam pues realmente quiero jugarlo y volverlo a comprar se me hace injusto para nosotros que lo compramos antes que muchos en steam.
gracias por tu atencion y ojala nos respondas

opino lo mismo bro



Give us steam keys.


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time


Why can not just give away keys for those who bought the game on, it's just money farming, as in steam with MULTIPLE-player game is cheaper than here. The developer spoiled the popularity and excitement of this project, that's all.


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time


Can you make the game free for one day? I live in Colombia and we survive on my mother's salary and they don't want to buy it for me?


Still think it's extremely lame multiplayer is Steam-exclusive. I don't mind paying for updates but it's the principle of the thing. Not only do itch buyers have to buy a second time then but why not just have the freaking LAN mode, you know. Why even tie it to an online network which requires something like the Goldberg Emulator to reroute back to LAN in the first place? I hate that games nowadays are developed to be disposable like that, because yes, without any third-party software this multiplayer mode would die along with Steam and there's simply no good reason for that


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time youve been ripped off

pretty lame that i have to buy it on steam now, but hey atleast i upgrade my steam libraby


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time youve been ripped off

same, I'd also like to play multiplayer


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time youve been ripped off

Love me a good death game! Bit late to the buckshot party but dang what a great game!

bruh ain't no way multi ain't on here, smell's like greedy dev's in here,,,,,,,, 

,,yes i'm so serious and not joking about this, hopefully my cousin get's his pc upgraded next month


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time youve been ripped off

i mean, if they could've be shown the recipts of us buying it on here and then give us steam keys that would've been awesome


i bought the itch version months ago and now I want to play with friends, there is a way to have the online version without purchase again? if not, there is no problem, thanks

I would like to know too, if you ever find out can you tell me as well


you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time youve been ripped off

Well I wouldn't say ripped off, I bought the game before all these updates and I enjoy even after it. It's worth it, so no need to say ripped off. It'd be different if I bought it after the updates, anyway thats for the proof

thats not proof of anything wtf look all im saying is there are alot of us who RIGHTFULLY feel screwed over and its nnot gunna just go away cuz you people dont care about how your treated as a customer and a supporter. i do not care how much the game costs its about the point of the issue at hand he abandoned itchio after they said that they wouldnt do so its dumb and sad and i hope nothing but the absolute worst for people like him and those who defend those types of disgusting actions.....same type of people to defend triple A studios like treyarch and EA when they fuck up badly. sickening the level of non-human thinking happens these days no one has any pride or honesty anymore.

I never said I didn't care how I was treated, personally. The devs never stated that they were gonna add the features to this version of the game, so I never was hoping for ig. Do not bring hate to him for not forfilling what he said he was gonna do, you have the right to be mad, yes. But you are going too far for wishing bad things on the dev for not doing something on a GAME. You are overreacting for features on a GAME, mind you. SO, you have no right to act how you are. It is just simple of not doing something. It is not non human, its just putting it off to the side. So, calm down and think of stuff that is really non human instead of some dev not adding a damn feature to a fucking game. Chill the hell out.





It's a shame that those of us who bought this game from the beginning can't enjoy the Steam multiplayer version.

oh well, it's only £2.50. I bought the game when it cost $1.20 but for me it was only like 79p :P

its about the respect and appreciation they arent showing to those of us who supported them 

you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time youve been ripped off


Hello, is there a way to transfer the game to my steam account? My steam id is DiMon-ika

you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time youve been ripped off


Like the person below, I've bought it before the steam version was released. It would be so nice... if we can exchange it

you wont went to discord and apparently according to people there they have no plans to help us whove been supportive all this time youve been ripped off


Can I exchange this for the steam version... It'd be so much easier to get updates. (I bought this before the steam version was released)


Will the multiplayer update or beta be released in here?


I'm betting that it isn't


game is pretty fun and a bit intense and it wasn't as hard as or stressful as It would be 

the steam version are ass it lags because of the shader or the filter on the game

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