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can i get an stim key bitte :c i dont habe any gold :c

and btw i did buy it i dont know how i can prove it to you


If I bought the game here, do I have access to the Multiplayer update? or do I have to rebuy the game on steam ?

you have to rebuy the game the dev scammed us

Looks like alot of people are doing this, so sorry for adding to the pile but could i get a steam key for this game i bought it a while ago and have recently regained intrest in it. best regards Contact info: discord atomictabor

Hola muy buenas tardes, compré el juego hace mucho tiempo, antes de que saliera en Steam, me preguntaba si podría conseguir una clave de Steam, para tenerla en mi cuenta, se lo agradecería mucho, buen día.

yo big fan ! bought your awesome game way back any chance i could get a steam key for it plz sire. Congratz on the steam success!!

Hi! I was wondering, as i see everyone else also is, if i could get the steam key because i bought the game when it first came out on :)

Here is my proof, i really hope to hear from you soon because my friends bought the game so we can play together and i thought id be able with my original purchase. 

Much Love <3

Hey Guys! Is there any way to get a steam key? I bought the game from earlier. Here is the proof. You can get in touch with me with email or Discord:


hello! so i bought the game from but now i cannot get the update:( can you send me a steam key for it by any chance? here is the proof:

can i get a steam key? please i bought this game 328 days ago as of 30/11/24

Hello is there any way to get a steam key because i bought the game 335 days ago here and i want to experience muliplayer now that its on steam.

Discord username is hisnameisjeff_.

Or my steam Steam profile

Thank you very much if you do.

I Bought the game 316 days ago can i get my steam key i want to play with my friends My Discord is : deniz2099_ soory for taking your time but i really want to play this game with my friends.

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hello i would like to ask if its possible to get a steam key for multiplayer i really don't want to purchase something twise. my discord user is: t1meless_0

and my nick is: Nameless


Is there anyway to get this game on steam? I bought it here apparently 333 days ago and was wondering if there's anyway I could get like a steam code or something like that, my discord contact is Jackabell. Thank you 

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I bought this game in January and I want to enjoy the multiplayer experience, can I get a steam key? I don't think it's fair to charge twice for the same game.

Discord tilviasechera

Hey man i bought this game awhile back on here but now i want to play multiplayer with friends and sadly can 
i was wondering if i can get a steam key?


Do we get steam keys since we bought it here before it came out there? Id really like to play multiplayer, but dont like having to buy something twice.

Could I get a Steam key, I want to play multiplayer with my friends. Discord: erwyn_06

Can I get a Steam key, I want to play multiplayer with my friends. Discord is:iwearpamperz (MrToxicBruh)



Wow, kinda shitty that i bought your game when it first came out and have to buy it again on steam if i want to experience the multiplayer...

Hello, could I perhaps et the steam key, please? My discord is rafaelgdgs. I was really looking forward to play multiplayer.

Hello, can i get a steam key for the game? i want to play it with friends. Cheers! My Discord:fokipadre 

Hi, I was just wondering if I could get a Key for the game on Steam, I want to play multiplayer. I bought the game around a year ago and my Discord is seandabeann it would be greatly appreciated.

Hello, could I perhaps get the steam key, please? My discord is modomariguano. I was really looking forward to play multiplayer

hello please can you make it free but with donation so you can still get money pls ):

Hello, could I perhaps get the steam key, please? My discord is soloaceptoblancos. I was really looking forward to play multiplayer.

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Could I perhaps get the steam key ? My discord is "FluffGu"

Hi, may I have a steam key, please? I want it to be able to play multiplayer. Discord is shitnozzle64.

can i get steeam key, i bough ti almost a year ago

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hello! I bought your game a little over a year ago, could you give me a steam key pls? I would like to enjoy multiplayer, my discord is adrianmgmz#9784

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Hi, may I have a steam key, please? I want it to be able to play multiplayer. Discord is annielroo#2925.

May I have a steam key, please? I care to experience online. Discord is: pelon5222

May I have a steam key, please? I care to experience online. Discord is _karcinogen_

<img src=""><img src="">Hello I bought your game almost a year ago, would it be possible to obtain a steam key so that I can play with my friends please?

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hey is it possible for me to get a steam key please?? My discord is leonardo444xd

hey is it possible for me to get a steam key please?? My discord is deadeye9492

are they give keys to yaa?

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