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Amazing game!!!

Man, this game is awesome! The atmosphere is spot on and the game of pure chance distilled with items and light strategy make it incredibly tense and fun to play. The Double or Nothing update really brought this game to its own as now you can play as long as you like... or as long as you can last. Only features I'd like would be a pause menu where you could exit the game from, and restarting after losing a game takes just a wee bit too long. Otherwise this game is well-designed, very fun, super unique and I'm looking forward to new updates and releases from Mike. Approved!

(1 edit) (-1)

i payed and i cant dowload it


nvm i got refunded


Port and release this great game to mobile devices.


I really liked the double or nothing update.

One thing that would be great to add to the game is the ability to pause and exit. I had to shut the game down with ctrl + alt + delete.


Yō your game was awesome it gave me some really good vibes and it was a lot of fun I can't wait to see what content your making next


I can't believe I messed up like that.


How come for the pills mode, sometimes the "extra charge" cigarettes don't work? Sometimes, the charge increases without the beep sound. And most of the time, there's no increase and no beep. Is it a bug? 

Maybe a readme.txt could be helpful with the downloads with version history included. Thanks.

Each round has random health max values, and you can't go above that. So if you start a round with 3 HP, you can't use cigs to go above 3.


How do I install the updated version? I've tried to reinstall the game but it didn't seem to work, can anyone help with this?


Me too, I saw some videos that it has updated, but itch seems not have the options to download.

Yeah the dealer is AI, there is no loss counter


Is the dealer ai and can you have a loss counter.

I bought the game, today. but I cannot take the pills in the bathroom. Left mouse button does not work. Does anyone know which button it is?

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If you click the pills and nothing happens, you probably downloaded v1.0 by mistake. You want to download v1.1.

If left click doesn't work for either the pills or the door, then I'm not sure what's going on. There's no keybinds, the game just uses your mouse to click on everything. So it would be a system issue of some kind.

I have one issue, and a suggestion for a future version of the game.

I don't have a cursor when playing, i only know what i'd select when it hovers/is highlighted.

For a suggestion, i like playing this game of chance in this style. I'd really love to see an 'Arcade' mode or something. No ending with the cash we have now. Where you just keep going (with the 2 or 4 items per load) until you die. Maybe even keep track of how many rounds/loads you can last.

there is a mode like just take the pill at the start when you are in the bathroom they should be on the counter next to the sin

Excuse me, I have a question, when I am in the payment process the game does not download or the payment is counted, it does not appear to me as if it was paid and it is the first time I have bought a game on this page..and it seems like a very bad experience considering that I don't usually buy that many games


when you buy the game you have to open the file from your browser than you have to extract the file itself in order to play the game

Thanks for answering me!, But I already solved that, the payment was simply not processed in the Google browser, I had to change the browser to Opera, and it let me buy it, anyway, thank you very much!

the only one downside to this game and it honestly makes the game not as enjoyable is that it isnt long enough i wish the this game was longer it was alot of fun lol

i have come to find out it is longer. ALOT longer thank you devs/dev

One last question friends, what is Linux?

An open source Operating System, there's a bunch of different versions of Linux

(1 edit)

Much nice very risk

How do you download the new version people?

You re install it.


hi, why i cant open the game? it appears black screen

If it's in Win-rar after downloading, you need to extract it to desktop.

still the same :(


I try to buy the game and it charges me the money but it doesn't give me the game



how do i download this on linux 


its so addictive!! how do i download the new version? 

You re insllal the game.


how can i downloadf this on linux



pls add on steam




what the highest score on infinite mode so far im at a million

plz add to steam or console I can’t play bc it’s on the web 

yea i agree

Tried before update and it was amazing! Tried it now after update it's still amazing. Swallowing pills randomizes items, shell and health count, thus making game a bit harder, nice job!

Pretty fun only thing about it is that the pills make me go crazy I've been trying to beat it for the past hour

Russian Roulette but with shotguns is genuinely genius.

como me descargo la versión actualizada? XD

Best game of russian roulet i ever played

(1 edit)

Русские, игру можно купить на ггсел или вмцентр например, пошли нафиг санкции, там рф карты принимает


2 cosas:

Para los que les sale una ventana de que windows no dejo ejecutarlo solo precionen mas informacion y les saldra la informacion de ejecutar de todas formas y listo.

Y la segunda es que deberian de colocar al final del juego un boton que te regrese al menu por si se quiere volver a jugar y que no te saque al escritorio y tengas que volver a ejecutar el juego

как купить игру?

на ggsel сайте есть, русские карты принимает

там не получается


me encantaria que tenga un modo multijugador y que el normal tenga un modo de dificultad o no sea necesario salir del juego y haya una opcion de jugar de nuevo. le veo mucho potencial!! :D


The new endless mode is exactly what this game needed. Thank you for adding that. It's very fun and addicting

👍🔥🎁Go gm

keep going, ur game is great, release more content will make it a masterpiece

le falta un modo multijugador y un modo online tambien vendria bien diferntes armas y distintos jefes

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