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im waiting online for this game

someone knows how can i update the game?

i think its downloading it again, went from v1.0 to v1.1

Your right on the top of the page theres written that you bought the game and theres a button to downland it again.




This was so cool, a perfect bite-sized game that I loved every second of (for the hour I played it). Excellent aesthetic and price point.

Sorry to beat the dead horse but multiplayer would give this game SO much staying power. Please please please look into it. I think you could even charge more for multiplayer or sell it as a second game.


please make a local multiplayer


Great concept and amazing visuals! Reminds me of inscryption


(I was gonna buy it too!!!)


this game would be even more amazing with 1v1 local mulltiplayer

I dont understand what about petition, what this mean


add multiplaye gamemode brother

Buckshot Roulette for free is everything i need in my life! Its just that Game...

(1 edit)

This Game is one of my Favorite Games! But i have to wait until im 15 to play it, because i have to pay. It will be so cool when the game is for free. Also... when its for free, more Player will play it

can somebody tell me where i can pay with euro's because this looks amazing.


You should still be able to pay with paypal or card, it will just cost a bit more in euro


i paid in euros no problem


how do we pay in euro?

nice game


when the game will be free?




But One Of Us Doesnt Even Have PayPal

cool game but where is plush dealer!!!!???

coming soon.



Android pls


This game is great


please make this multiplayer it would be so good 

If I'm not mistaken, the GoDot engine can't do that.


Can you make a mac virsion

Я могу спокойно скачать эту игру ? Просто я боюсь вирусов и не хочу лазить в архивах и тд, начитался комментариев что много у кого не работает, это действительно так?


да, сам скачал, норм

ЗАПОМНИ - СВЯТОЕ ПРАВИЛО ITCH IO - КАЧАЙ ВСЁ! Просто доверяй автору на отсутствие вирусов.

This game caught me off guard, absolutly fun and addicting!

whenever i try to open the game it instantly crashes and when i open through file explorer it goes to a black screen for5 seconds then closes, does any one have a fix??

I have the same issue here... cant play ...

yeah i dunno if its a hardware issue like the device cant start it or sumthing


If it's security reasons for windows you have to mess with settings


the problem is probably caused by the missing Vulkan (GPU 3D API/related to your video card).

What an awesome idea for a game i loved it 

i think my guy was broken 

he shot himself sooo much XD


Realmente Disfrute Jugando A Este Juego 

(1 edit) (+1)

I have a small problem with the audio of the game, when entering through the first door leaving the bathroom, suddenly I stop hearing the sound and I only hear it again when i win the game (translated with google, I speak Spanish)


Hola, compre el juego, descargue la app y lo instale pero cuando voy a abrir el juego se me pone toda la pantalla en negro y me saca el juego, que hago ??

no es actualizable o si?

tendrias que descargalo cada ves que se actualice 

Deleted 1 year ago

ya lo compre pero no me llega el mail,ayuda.


Compre el juego y nose donde estan los archivos, perdi 1.20$?


somos dos llene los datos y y despues se quedo ahi y no me llego nada

lo descargas de esta pagina

lo descargas de esta pagina tambien puedes descargar desde la app de escritorio


No me llego ningun archivo ni links


precionas donde dice descargar y te va a mandar a otra pagina(a mi me parece descargar por que no lo tengo camprado a ti si te deberia aparecer descargar) 

(2 edits) (+2)

precionas donde dice descargar en la pagina que se abrio y se te va a empezar a descarga y solo lo descomprimes  

Exactamente donde puedes ver ese?. En mis compras dice que "no hay ninguna compra aun"

Exactamente donde puedes ver ese?. En mis compras dice que "no hay ninguna compra aun"

it wont work for me i tryed every thing


i wish i could play it

This game is addictive


hey so im not geting the new update for buckshot someone pls help me i been trying to fix it but the game is not working right...ty


who know how to refund i lost 1:2o :[

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how to lauch the game

I think you go in your files and then download I should work

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