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the idea is cool and creepy at the same time. Loved it ^^ 

The gameplay caught me off guard at first but wow.. this game is amazing! I didn't know what to expect and I was damn impressed by the end. That got dark fast. Great job! Thanks for the fun!

Its a really BEAUTIFUL game, the controls were kinda hard to get used to but the style and vibe of the game is absolutely amazing.

The dystopian atmosphere is amazing and I loved the graphics. Definitely the darkest game of battleship I've ever played

Not what I expected, but I had fun with it. 🙂👍

> countless shades of grey

> lifeless comrades

> hideous panel buildings

> "they'll all die anyway"

the best russian soldier simulator, 10/10

(1 edit)

Really nice game loved the style and tone of it overall had a fun time with it too, I also made a video on it if your interested.

One word to describe this: Beautiful. You see, I really don't care that much about the mechanics of the game. However, the style, the soundtrack, and the world makes this a beautiful masterpiece which I hope would be expanded into something bigger. You nailed it.

That means a lot! Thanks for playing :)

Here;s my gameplay of the game

from the opening i thought it was a horror survival game like something will chase on me. But it's a Battleship game which is wrapped uniquely! Really dark & Interesting!

Super interesting design. I would love more games of this style, even a full game of this would be really neat

Things go boom, I think. 

Felt like participating in some kind of Soviet experiment. Feels atmospheric, love it.

I liked the brutalism of the concrete buildings, which gave a sense of coldness and horror.

The battleship game was like a death game that I was afraid to confirm because I was afraid that I would fail!

Deleted 1 year ago

this is literally just battleship

The feel to this game is fantastic and it's a unique concept too. Love it! 10/10

I always love your games. Control Room Alpha got me back into horror games in 2022. This was a fun game but it did make me feel dirty! 

Thanks for playing! :)

Super fun little game, very Unique to say the least!! Would Recommend


The atmosphere to this game is amazing, it's so bleak and fits perfectly to the theme of the game! That phone call was so dark lol

You keep makin' I keep playin' 

Oh boy am I late to the train even though I recorded this on Jan 2nd, Fun stuff as usual! I replayed to see what happens if you win and did 'Win' buuuut, :( - 

HA ! Winner winner chic... Oh.

The one and only ending.. too real lol

Full Play No COmmentary

Deleted post

This is the second game I've played from this dev, and he continues to deliver a very unique and fascinating experience. The aesthetic alone will get you to want to play, if you can handle the pretty messed up concept. Well done, dev!

fun game with an interesting premise and art style

Original et super cool

Very cool idea for a game. I didn't quite understand it till it was too late xD

This game is truly dark and upsetting... When I received the phone call from the woman it really put everything into perspective. 


mid didnt enjoy 5/10


Another phenomenal game. You’re really on a roll with these mike!

3 Scary Games #1

I loved this game it was a great experience. Had a good art style along with the battle ship style system was really cool. Can’t wait to play more games from you keep up the great work!!
(1 edit)

I really went back to win but ended up just losing anyways! Thanks for any great experience.

This concept is very harrowing. Very different and cool!

Beautiful style of a game, I would love to see a full version game with something like this. Keep up the great work!

I really loved the concept for this game, and how it added a fun (horrifying lmao) twist to a known game mechanic. Thank you so much for sharing your game! 

I played this for my YouTube channel, so if you're interested in checking it out in another tab then follow this link!

This was jarring to play, I was really surprised how oppressive the atmosphere was overall (also props to Jabbu, what a gorgeous soundtrack), despite the amazing gameplay, there was a constant unnerving feeling there, a different king of horror for sure. 

Very striking and beautiful. I played it on January 1st, with the current news in my mind, so this really had an emotional impact on me. 



Now to my opinion on it. It's an amazing atmosphere and the setting is wonderfully bleak. I was immediately intrigued by the game and its premise. But that fascination did only last until I realized that the AI is hard scripted to always pull the same moves. This completely kills the tension as you realize that nothing is at stake. From that point on it's just a test of patience to replay the game until you've got all the positions figured out. Also, the sheet with the enemy buildings is incorrect, I don't know if that's on purpose.

tl;dr This game has an amazing premise and it would be a real blast if expanded upon. But in this state it's rather bland of an experience

I completely respect that. There's definitely a lot of room for improvement in terms of gameplay, sadly I was under a very tight deadline so I had to cut the AI down. 

I am curious about when you realized the AI was hard scripted. Was it on the very first playthrough, or a second one?

My first suspicion arose on turn 3, when the AI hit all 5 shots for the second time. From that point on the AI always hits so after losing my first playthrough I was pretty sure that it is at least cheating. I had proof at the start of my second playthrough as I noticed that the AI shot the same 5 buildings on its first turn as it did before.

To be fair, I only played it through once because I couldn't stomach playing it more than that and treat it like a game that has to be beat since the whole atmosphere was so oppressive. I really get the criticism but from one gamer to another, I feel like "winning" or "beating the enemy" really is not the goal of this game. 

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