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full release 

(1 edit) (-1)

Hola buenas xd, como hace poco que tu juego esta disponible en Steam quería saber si los que lo compramos en Itchio nos darían una clave de Steam para tenerlo allí. Hablando del juego esta muy bueno, saludos.


estoy buscando exactamente lo mismo jajaja, sabes de casualidad si encontraste alguna solución?


no lo están dando en steam, medio "xd" pero bueno, mira que hay otros devs que si dan cómo agradecimiento por comprar acá como los de Clone Drone In The Danger Zone


Why do itch buyers get the new content later...

I think Mike made us wait to promote the game on steam.


I never thought practices like that would come to indie games... punish me for buying their game early and on a different platform?

I'd even happily buy the new content as DLC... I just don't want to switch to a different platform. I got my playtime tracking and scores here. I also don't want to try to get Steam achievements which I should already have gotten


Same, brother, same. I wish you could link your account to Steam, so if there were any indie games that were released on Steam, they would show up in your Steam's game library.


Well if the game goes to steam, I hope that ppl who bought this game here will get their key to the game on steam..


As both an itch owner and a steam user, hah, no! We get nothing, NOTHING! Good day sir!


"v1.2 - Out now on Steam, releasing on April 18th." doesn't appear to be a steam key, but we'll still be getting the content :)


Quoted from the Steam FAQ:

What’s the difference between Steam and version of Buckshot Roulette?

The Steam version of Buckshot Roulette includes localization, controller support, achievements, leaderboards, 4 new items for Double or Nothing mode, free digital copy of the game’s soundtrack. The game will also receive a multiplayer mode later this year!

So, not only do we have to wait for an update, but the Steam players get extra toys to play with...
Deleted 98 days ago

What's the point? Slug rounds = Handsaw; Birdshot = literal buckshot rounds(same thing); flechette is pointless; and Dragon Breath will be way overpowered.


I paid for this game here do i get a steam key too if u need proof i have the payment thing


They are not going to give anything, even with the key donation system in place...

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Hey, I already paid for the game on here, can I please have the steam key?

Nvm, the games cheap, I'll just buy it.

xddd, I paid for the game on here too


steam key ver


Hey is there a way to get a steam key for the game if i bought it here?


I downloaded this thing and it got a update, how to download the V1.2 on April 18! Please, i swear on my life i buyed this thing. Help me


Well I guess that I'm not getting a steam key, but the steam version is not really that expensive so I will buy it again.

(1 edit) (+1)

Are there any infos on if the game will ever get multiplayer as an option?
Would love to play it against some friends. Would buy it immediately if thats a planned feature! ^^

Edit: Nevermind! Looked on Steam at their page, and there it says that MP is already in the working, glad to hear that! Thanks for this amazing game. <3


if i have buckshot roulette from itch io i have the newest update or i need to buy it from steam?(my english is bad cuz im polish

Nie, na będzie aktualizacja dopiero 18.04.2024


ı played new update, its so good


With each new Klubnika update, Buckshot Roulette only gets better. The challenge is becoming better and more complex and new things always take me out of my comfort zone when facing the Dealer.

Buckshot Roulette is truly one of the best horror games I've ever played.ALL NEW ITENS and FULL GAME HERE:



The New Updated Steam Version Of The Game Adds New Items And ITS INSANE 


Played the UPDATED STEAM version of your game! Really cool little adjustements / animations / items. Really liked it.
Still waiting for the multiplayer mode... :p

Amis FR : GOTY 2024 pour moi. Foncez. (Le jeu coûte rien, et dans le pire des cas je le fais gagner sur ma vidéo lol)

Deleted 173 days ago

The question is what was the point of buying it here first if I could have waited then:/


I supported him here and yet i don't get the courtesy of receiving all features without paying again? That's just shitty treatment for those who supported early. It's not about the money, it's about the principle behind it.


For those who write about the price, it's a free Steam key.

I want to remind you that when you bought a game in, you bought the game exactly as it is (I will not say that the price is ridiculous, as we have some people here for whom $ 1.20 is a lot). No one promised you updates, as the game is already complete. Also, I want to remind you that Steam is not and it takes a portion of the profit from sales (30% to be exact and maybe something else for using their tools). Of course, he could have given away the keys to everyone, but I'll remind you that this is his first game that really hype and only it costs money (other games are free). Don't be toxic to indie developers who give us cool games.

The funny thing is that these people then go and buy some Call Of Farting or some other shit for 50-60 bucks and don't complain about the game's problems.


Cost earlier , game version is not the lastest??? Are YOU KIDDING ME???




I would like to have a version of the game that supports multiplayer and the features that come with additional updates without getting scammed, thank you very much.


It will come in 2 weeks to itch, so just wait. And when you buyed the game there was no multiplayer


Cool it with the cap locks dude, the point is that we could have waited and got the game on steam, this version will now always be the inferior version.


anyone else remember buying this game on for cheap? idk what but I feel like I didn't


Had I known that this game would come to Steam and that the version from itch would not be getting the same feature updates (no multiplayer), I wouldn't have bought the game.


bro would really wait to play cheap and cool game for at least 3 month


Only bought this game a month and a half ago and yes, had I known that I would get a superior version of this game on another store if I just waited a bit, i would've done so. Sorry if that is a hard concept for you to understand.


Thank you for being one of the only logical people on this thread. This is exactly what I'm saying!!


to everyone begging for a steam key, READ THE BLOG POST!!!!!!!


Could I get a steam key if I bought it here before?

i dunno

is what im trying to find out

nope, you gotta buy the game on steam again


I want to buy this game on steam, but I bought this game here, maybe I can get a steam key?


mikk has stated ina blog post he will not be doing steam key giveaways to people who bought the itch versio of the game.


Dont give any of these bums a steam guy for a game that cost a fkin dollar

Deleted 201 days ago





I bought the game again and I do not regret it. :)


can i get steam key pls bought before 


Mikk has stated in a few blog posts that he will not be giving steam keys to anyone who bought the itch version of the game.


I bought this game before can I get a steam key please?



learn to read


Mikk has stated in a few blog posts that he will not be giving steam keys to anyone who bought the itch version of the game.

Deleted 201 days ago

Mikk has stated in a few blog posts that he will not be giving steam keys to anyone who bought the itch version of the game.


Me over here that just said why not and bought it again on steam. If I get a code it would be nice but if I don't. Oh well


Hey, I bought this game before, can I please get a steam key?


Mikk has stated in a few blog posts that he will not be giving steam keys to anyone who bought the itch version of the game.

Well crap.


may i please get a steam key <3? :) 

(5 edits) (+9)(-5)

i hate when people use the term/excuse "it's only 3 dollars on steam tho?" my brother in christ i get that this is an indie developer who made this game for probably months and it's just him alone and Mike needs money but that doesn't change the fact that thousands of people bought the game here, supporting it and now they have to buy it again on steam with more money, i will wait for literal months just to get a code from the developer or a steam key for an access because i love this game from the start.

(also a delayed update and no multiplayer on this version)

(1 edit) (+6)(-3)

That's exactly what I'm saying! It doesn't matter the price, a developer stabbing their early supporters in the back in favor of new buyers is a shitty move (and frankly, I'd argue the people against it are more hypocritical than they realize — after all, if "it's a three-dollar game, not a twenty-dollar game" is their defense, aren't they the ones who would only stand against this if the price was an issue? It's a matter of money, not principle, to them.)


The way I see it, the dev probably never expected this much success from the game and thus listed it on itch. Then it exploded and a steam release made sense. Now that release has features that are, presumably, explicitly supported by the steam API (read: not itch); imo enough new features to justify another pricetag.

That's a lie though actually. The way I really see it is that I could pay for this game in fucking pennies, get over yourself.


If you're gonna be an asshole about it, then don't bother commenting in the first place. Grow the fuck up and accept that pulling a shady move like this isn't gonna go uncontested.


You're calling me an asshole when the dude I replied to is telling other commenters to kill themselves. Fuck off 👍


so not only are you not giving those who purchased the game on a steam key you're also going to charge more for the steam version and not update this one??

(1 edit) (+5)(-3)

they won't have multiplayer here too is the most insane part. i dont care if it's 3 dollars only on steam lmao


yeah it might only be $3 but his reason for not giving those who bought the game on keys is greed, he wants the extra $3 each. if we all went out and bought the game twice that's exactly what he wants. he's a gremlin


well to be fair he is an indie developer and he needed some time to do that but i love this game so much to the point where i will wait for months just to get a multiplayer version and the new items on itch io, no way us itch io supporters are going out like this


Okay question.. Since I purchased the game through the website and turns out the game is now on steam, Will I have some sort of free code for steam since I technically already payed for it? 

It's just I think it's more organized if I just have it on steam instead of a .exe file laying around in my downloads.


Same question. I hope the dev provides us with some codes. That would be nice.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)



Mass outrage over three dollars...

(1 edit) (+5)(-3)

I'm just disappointed that people who bought the game in its infancy will either end up having to spend more money than those who show up later or deal with a feature-incomplete version (no multiplayer, delayed updates). It's not a LOT of money, sure, but it's about the message of supporting people who supported you.

(2 edits) (+1)(-7)

So people have to react like they been duped for millions and call the developer a scammer?

(5 edits) (+3)(-5)

...Okay? That's great news for you, but not everyone is getting a cheaper version.

EDIT: Okay so you're completely changing the angle of your comment, I guess. I can't speak for anyone else - and I haven't read too far down into the comments, so maybe I'm missing some super disrespectful posts - but I don't think it's unwarranted to be disappointed in Mike's decisions here, given how many people supported the original version of the game in comparison to how many people heard about it and didn't buy it, but will now do so for a better version of the game and a smaller total sum.


Keep checking, Twitter will happen and people will be choking on Steam keys.

(1 edit) (+4)

I'd certainly appreciate a Steam key, but I wouldn't want it as the result of a harassment campaign against Mike by any means. It's unfortunate that I don't know of any ways to contact him directly, but I would hope anyone who does is willing to be polite and reasonable in their explanations (though I doubt they will be :/).


i have very limited income. 3 dollars to you isn't 3 dollars to me.

(2 edits) (-5)

If we use that logic, the minimum wage in my country is 8000 hryvnias, which turns into 204 dollars. I kind of have to start complaining like everyone else. It's a huge unsustainable amount of money. But you know, there is an amazing thing like regional prices in steam. Now it's insanely cheap price for me, but I guess, I'm just lucky(

Это не так работает) 1 доллар не для кого не много, так же разрабы не просят покупать их игру в стим, это желание людей)

Ну так пусть не покупают и ждут 18 апреля. Зачем тряску устраивать?


Yeah, you are just lucky! You've defended the price multiple times - and yet, curiously, it just so happens to be a price that's extremely cheap for you.


Can please answer the question, what country is this, since I'm lucky and they not?

(1 edit) (+14)(-6)

i dont wanna have to buy the game again


Please please please for the love of god make the Steam version available on Mac

(1 edit)

For such a low level game like this that can run on basic versions of windows and linux you can use Wine on your Mac to do so or be like me and just us Fusion instead. but yeah we need a Mac version for the steam release.

I have a new Mac that does not take Wine and I don't have enough money to spend over $100 on Fusion.

That’s alright you can download a copy of Fusion Player for free, you just need to create an account for free. You can use this guide from VMware if it’s to complicated I can help you get it because the guides are really over complicated sometimes

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